Evergreen Wedding

My cousin Kimberley is getting married next month, and she’s asked me to be her junior bridesmaid! It’s the first time I’ve been invited to be part of a wedding party, but Kimmy knows that her wedding theme would be something that I would appreciate.


It’s not going to be a very big wedding, mostly family and some close friends and they are going to have it at the farm where her parents live. The farm is called “Evergreen”. Kimmy has always said that when she gets married, it would be there and her wedding song would be that one that Barbara Streisand sings, “Evergreen”.


My Aunt and Uncle have a big barn that they will clean out so they can set up tables for the supper and later the dance. My Gramma and my Mom will be helping my aunt with the cooking, and probably with some of the tables, dishes, etc. My Gramma has enough stuff to seat at least 30 people herself and all of my aunts and uncles are bringing tables and chairs too. They are doing everything on a budget because Kimmy says she can see no sense in spending the equivalent of a down payment on a house for one night’s party.


Kimmy has been asking everyone in the family to save her  all sorts of plastic jugs, especially ones that have flat sides like from dishwashing soap, fabric softener, shampoo bottles, liquid laundry soap, etc. Nobody knew but me and her Matron of Honour knew what they were for, but because we’re part of the wedding party, we’ve been helping her.


What we’ve done is cut them up into rectangles to make tags about 15 cm long and 7 cm wide. Then we made 2 slits on the top and bottom of the tag. We hand-painted on each of these tags with a little scroll decoration: “Love, ageless and evergreen” Kimberley & Darren June 23, 2012.


Anyway, the cool thing is that Kimmy has decided that for wedding decorations on the tables and then as favours, she is going to give out seedling evergreen trees. She will ask her guests to plant their tree someplace special so that they will always remember “Kimberley’s wedding tree”.  She’s going to tie the tag on to each tree, so after people plant the tree, they will have a marker they can use. The slits in the tag will let them put a stick in the ground and the plastic tag will slide on to it.  Because the jugs are all different colours, the tags are really pretty, and should last almost forever!


It’s going be be a beautiful wedding, and I think her theme is so romantic. Also, I love the idea that her trees will still be growing when they are old and have grandchildren.


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